Introducing Project OneThings: Resolving Everyday’s Smallest Problems with Technology for FREE

Archer Fung
3 min readFeb 7, 2024

If you’ve ever thought of,

If my computer could do this, it would make my life so much easier

then Project OneThings is here for you.

What is Project OneThings?

Project OneThings is a non-profit project dedicated to building digital products that improve human life, all for free. That’s right — we believe that everyone should have access to technology that makes their lives easier, and that’s why we offer all of our solutions for free. After we receive problems from users, our team works closely with them to understand their needs and leverage all kinds of technology to create solutions that make a real difference.

Our Mission

At Project OneThings, we believe that even the smallest problems can have a big impact on people’s lives. That’s why we’re committed to finding solutions to problems that may seem small or niche in everyday life. We believe that if one person is facing a problem, there must be others who are facing it too. Our mission is to help individuals find the solution they need, using technology to make a real difference in people’s lives.

Why Project OneThings?

As a product manager, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects over the years. But there’s one project in particular that has stayed with me, and it’s the reason why I’m so passionate about Project OneThings.

I had the privilege of building a product that motivated elderly individuals to workout. One day, a physiotherapist came to our office and shared that he had installed a station with my product in the hospital. He said that it was helping patients recover and improving their mobility. That moment was a game-changer for me. It made me realize the true power of technology and how it can be used to improve people’s lives in real and meaningful ways. That’s why I initiated Project OneThings.

How does it work?

  1. Users submit their problems: If you’re facing a problem that you think we can help solve, simply visit our website and fill out the submission form. We’ll ask you to provide some basic information about the problem and how it affects your daily life.
  2. Our team reviews the submissions: Once we receive a problem, our team will review it and deep-dive into it. We’ll reach out to the user who submitted the problem to learn more about their specific needs and challenges. We believe that involving users in the development process leads to better solutions that truly solve problems.
  3. Solutioning: We typically begin with sourcing a solution from the market as there’s a good chance that someone, somewhere has already created a solution that can help address the problem. If we’re unable to find a suitable solution on the market, we’ll take it upon ourselves to build one. Our team is skilled in a wide range of technologies, from web and mobile development. We’ll build whatever suits the user’s needs.
  4. Delivery: Once the solution is built, we deliver it to users through public access points, such as AppStore for mobile apps. We prioritize making the solution accessible to everyone.

Who are we?

We’re a team of passionate problem-solvers who believe in the power of technology. Our team comprises experienced product managers and engineers who possess expertise in developing products across various technologies.

Get Involved

If you’re facing a problem that you think technology can solve, we want to hear from you! You can submit your problem through our website, and our team will review it and see how we can help.

If you don’t have a problem to submit right now, there are still ways to get involved and support our mission. You can share our website and mission with your family and friends, and encourage them to submit problems that they’re facing. The more people who know about Project OneThings, the more problems we can help solve.

Like our new Facebook page to stay up-to-date with our latest updates, success stories, and new initiatives. By doing so, you’ll be among the first to know.



Archer Fung

Product Manager | Obsessed with user behavior | Leverage technology to resolve every day problems